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Low spend Wednesday

June 5th, 2013 at 03:46 pm

Yesterday when I went to buy the cheese sticks for boyfriend's lunch, they had only 2 left. I bought the two and the cashier let me know that they were getting a truck in that night and would have more in the morning. So, this morning on my way into work, I stopped by and bought 6 more for next week's lunches ($6). I hope that is the only spending I will do today.

The farmers' market is on campus today, but after much mental debate, I realized I have enough in the house right now, so I just walked over and looked, but didn't buy. Maybe next week. A big factor is that I have class tonight and don't have a good way to keep stuff from baking in the car while I'm in class. I just might bring a cooler next week!

I find out how I did on my test tonight. After tonight, only two more weeks of classes. I think I can. I think I can. I'm so ready to read a pleasure book without the threat of homework hanging over my head. I also know that eventually this will all be worth it, but it does seem very far off. There are days when I wonder why I'm even getting a 2nd degree. I like my job; my pay is decent. Why am I stressing myself out?

On a good note, I am in love with google docs. I now keep my budget there and can easily access it from work and home and anywhere else. It's so nice to be able to update it or pull it up to see where I stand.

It's the extras

February 10th, 2013 at 03:46 pm

Yesterday was a NSD and I'm hoping for one today too. Weekends are easy to be NSD because I prefer to stay home and as long as I don't get tempted to spend some $$$ online, I'm good.

Today's plans don't involve going anywhere either, so maybe a 2nd NSD is in the cards. I'm going to hopefully clean the house while my boyfriend goes to play hockey tonight. Other than that, I don't have any specific plans.

I am lucky enough to work for a university. While I do like what I do, it is the extras that make me feel lucky to work there. I'm going to list the best three here. First of all, I get to use the gym for free. I also pay $40 per semester to attend various exercise classes. I'm sure it would be much more if I had to go to one of the gyms in the area.

Second, I get to take classes for free. I have to pay for books or any extras (green fees if you take the golf class, for example), but the classes themselves are free. I'm slowly working towards my 2nd Bachelor's degree in Accounting. There is no real pressure because I don't get a raise and my job isn't dependent upon me getting that degree, but I like having a goal. Although, I would not be too disappointed to just take interesting classes for free (History of Manhood class, anyone?).

Third, there are so many interesting programs, lectures, art openings, concerts, etc for FREE. There is more to do on any given night than I could ever actually do. I will never lack for opportunities to do something to expand my mind.